Honey is the perfect natural nourishment, used since antiquity for its therapeutic properties. It is healthy and energetic, the only sweetener that only needs bees' work to transform little nectar droplets into a sweet, perfumed, dense and colored liquid. Every flower produces different nectar so honey differs in taste, perfume, color, properties, and crystallization. Taste and needs can be satisfied because of the attention, quality, and provenance of the different types of honey. Honey, regularly consumed, gives great benefits to our body: it is a powerful and natural antibacterial and anti-inflammatory, it increases physical strength and stimulates and regulates the digestive system, it is detoxifying to the liver, fights against anemia and fixes calcium and magnesium to the bones. It enriches our breakfast, make our sons' snack healthier and it can be used with sweet and salted dishes. Perfect with cheese, especially sweet honey for a spicy cheese while bitterer honey for a not so savory cheese.